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Ufuk Tarhan, Business Futurist 

Ufuk Tarhan is a renowned futurist and strategist with over 20 years of experience in Future Studies, well-known in Turkey and international networks. She is recognized among Forbes Magazine's Top 50 Female Futurists.
Tarhan has provided consultancy services, conferences, and designed innovative projects for leading global companies such as Microsoft; IBM; Epson; Unilever; Bosch; Siemens; Coca Cola; Nestle; Ford; Mercedes; Audi; Renault; P&G; Novartis; Sanofi; Pfizer; Turkish Airlines; Lufthansa; PwC; and Deloitte.
She delivers seminars and workshops on the future of business, technological trends transforming industries, AI-compatible strategies, and developing future skills.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in economics (Econometrics) from METU and a master's degree in Innovation & Entrepreneurship from BAU. She has worked as a senior manager in various sectors, primarily technology, for 20 years. She has won numerous awards, including "Most Successful Businesswoman in the IT Sector" and "Women Who Make a Difference."
She is also the author of the best-selling books T-İnsan and Don't Leave Tomorrow's Work for Tomorrow.
Tarhan is passionate about sustainability, gender equality, and women empowerment, and actively participates in NGOs working on these issues. She is the Turkiye Node Chair of Millennium Project.

Click this link or below image to see or download the full English brochure (PDF) 


Her Insights: 

The future is not a static state or a destination. It is an interactive journey where we, future and technology change each other. The most critical factor in our relationship with the future is our ability to adapt and transform our skills and competencies according to its demands.
Artificial Intelligence will lead to a new industrial revolution. It will radically transform all sectors, business models, production & consumption patterns and living conditions without exception. This will result in significant productivity increases and the create millions of new industries, business fields and professions.
In the age of AI, businesses and individuals aiming for sustainable and successful existence must adopt a futuristic perspective. They need to align their vision, mission, strategy, and action plans with tectonic trends, making necessary revisions as they progress. This involves preparing for 'sustainable capitalism' by adhering to 'humanist, ecologist, and dataist' principles.

These seismic shifts not only present challenges and threats but also open up unparalleled opportunities and possibilities. Embrace the future's dynamic nature and turn potential obstacles into steppingstones for innovation and growth. The key lies in recognizing these changes as catalysts for transformative success and positioning yourself to seize the myriad opportunities they bring.

Keynote Topics: 

- Tectonic Trends and the Future
- How to Plan for the Future
- Future of AI and How to Adapt
- Future of [Specific Industry] (on demand)
- Upskilling and The Model: T-Human
- Career Renovation and Repair for Everyone
- Don't Leave Tomorrow's Work for Tomorrow
- Corporate Success in AI World
- Successful Businessperson in the Age of AI
- Embracing Innovation for Sustainable Growth with AI
- Navigating Technological Disruption
- The Role of Human Values in AI Age
- Building Resilient Organizations for the Future
- Ethics, New Metrics and Rules in AI
- Hurry Slowly to Seize the AI Revolution!

Workshops & Projects (With sector and /or company specific details):
- How will AI impact your sector, business, and required skills?
- What changes should you foresee and implement?
- What should your organization do to prepare for an AI-driven future?
- How should managers and employees adapt?
- Which competencies should be gained to align with AI advancements?
> 1-1.5-Hour Seminar - No participant limit: Provides general knowledge and inspirational talks to a wide audience.
>> Half or Full Day Catalytic Workshop - 30-50 participants: Encourages direct participation and hands-on learning in an interactive environment.
>>> Individual Consultation   - One to One - C-Suit: 1.5-hour private, online session with Ufuk Tarhan for
 senior and mid-level managers - Q&A format. Ideal for personalized feedback and in-depth strategic

Key Takeaways:
- A comprehensive understanding of the transformative trends shaping our future, especially in the context of AI and technological advancements.
- Learning how to strategically plan for the future, adapt to rapid changes, and leverage AI to drive sustainable growth.
- Acquire practical skills for upskilling and becoming T-shaped professionals, fostering corporate success in the AI-driven world, and navigating technological disruptions effectively.
- Explore the ethical considerations and new metrics in AI, understand the importance of human values, and build resilience in their organizations.
- Ultimately, these insights will empower participants to act thoughtfully and strategically, positioning themselves and their organizations to thrive in the evolving landscape of the AI revolution.
T-HUMAN | 47. Edition, always best seller 🎉
T-Human is a reference and essential guidebook that discusses and explains the ways to be successful and happy in a rapidly changing business world. It presents the model of self-transformation, 'T-Human,' with the formula 3T+HOC= 5C. The book offers revolutionary new approaches that will serve as a guide to business success for people of all ages. It provides guidance on overcoming future anxieties and creating a sustainable career & strategic plan. By changing readers' perspectives and analytical approaches, it helps them prepare for the new AI-driven future. It is an indispensable resource for confidently moving towards the future. Additionally, with its enriched content using augmented reading techniques and QR codes, it offers practical and applicable solutions.

Don't Leave Tomorrow's Work to Tomorrow is a thrilling future book filled with complementary information, serving as a sequel to T-Human. People living in this era, where science fiction transforms into scientific facts, will be introduced to the 'Kardashev Scale' for the first time. Readers will understand and contemplate what reaching Type-1, Type-2, and Type-3 civilization levels, the Great Reset, and Sustainable Capitalism mean. They will learn about 'educational revolutionaries'—each with unique, impactful profiles—alongside the Alpha generation, who grew up with a disdain for traditional schooling. This book will deeply inspire, fill readers with hope, uplift, and excite them. They will feel that the 'Future Vision' is not just a possibility but is indeed happening. The narrative will allow a glimpse into 2030, 2040, 2050, and even beyond to the 2100s. By declaring, 'We are not victims of the future, but its architects,' readers will better grasp the connection between 'life and curiosity.' They will meet the Omegas. In short, with a futurist perspective, this book will enable readers to preview the near future and make peace with it.


Ufuk Tarhan'ın “Yarının İşini Yarına Bırakma” kitabı için > https://yarininisiniyarinabirakma.com/ Ufuk Tarhan'ın “T-İnsan” kitabı için > https://www.t-insan.com
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